Phhir is a suspense love story directed by 'Girish Dhamija' which stars the popular TV Actress 'Roshni Chopra' Phhir is the 'Roshini Chopra`s' first debut movie of Bollywood. Roshini Chopra plays the role of 'Rajniesh Duggal`s wife. Roshini Chopra disappears mysteriously .. and the suspense continues every frame. Does 'Rajniesh' find his wife again? Who is 'Adah' who takes step forward in finding 'Rajniesh' wife? Where did 'Roshini Chopra' go ? To know more watch your favourite couple on the silver screen - Adah Sharma & Rajniesh Duggall of horror flick '1920'
phhir movie stills