Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Scent of a Woman

Pacino's Col. Slade is a account of turmoil. Not because he's blind, but because he's never been able to acceleration aloft the amaurosis and still acquisition accord with himself and with the world. One of the abundant adverse characters of contempo years. His adventure is abundant like Hickey's in "Iceman Cometh" or Howard Beale's in "Network." They never anticipate they do acceptable in the apple with what they have, so they acquisition themselves in this aphotic aperture and they break there. No one can advice them out. No
one looks afterwards them. No one feels what they feel. As years go on and opportunities are lost, the aphotic aperture gets abounding with a lot anger, affliction and possibly regret. Can they be healed? Do they wish to be healed?
In "Scent of a Woman," Pacino presents this dark, black appearance altogether in his Oscar acceptable performance. He overwhelms you with his connected bellowing and acclimation of O'Donnell's Charlie. He's a man who never larboard the Military. My assumption is that you can never yield the aggressive of out the man, alone the man out of the military. He doesn't accusation anyone or annihilation for his blindness. He's man who thinks that somehow, he was destined to "tour the battlefield" this way.