Sunday, September 4, 2011

She Wore a Yellow Ribbon

I got absorbed in seeing this blur not because I like westerns (which I do) but because I apprehend area this was a amazing beheld film.. Well, that it is, with some adorable attractive blush in spots that looks cool on VHS or DVD, the closing getting better, of course. Director John Ford has some nice shots of his admired locale, Monument Valley, forth with added nice shots.
For a western, there isn't abundant activity in this film. However, the admirable colors and the allure of John Wayne, who dominates this film, still accomplish it interesting. Victor McLaghlen adds some amusement to the account with with whiskey- drinking, hard-fighting Irishman role and Ben Johnson is acceptable as the key scout.
I couldn't accept how adolescent Johnson looked as I am acclimated to seeing him as a aged veteran. In fact, I wouldn't accept accepted it was him but for his audible articulation and accent. At any rate, I anticipation he was the best appearance in the film.
A acceptable allotment of the adventure is about two guys - John Agar and Harry Carey Jr. angry over Joanne Dru. That gets annoying afterwards awhile and, afterwards three looks at this movie, was a accidental agency in me trading this cine for another.
All in all, a "decent" western that those who don't like a lot of abandon ability like because there are no villains to abhorrence and a hasty non-violent ending.I