Monday, February 27, 2012

Hitch or Ditch: Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer

Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer
Will true love blossom between ladies man John and unlucky in love Jennifer? Vote on whether they should hitch or ditch.
Hitch: Everyone wants a happy ending for unlucky in love Jen but is John Mayer the one to give it to her?
They've already holidayed together and been papped snuggling up to each other.
The gorgeous couple have reportedly been seeing each other in secret for three months and decided to go public once they realised it was serious.
Jennifer has also claimed that singer Mayer is better in bed than her ex Brad Pitt. Always a deal-clincher.
Ditch: Let's face it - how the hell are we supposed to come up with a proper joint moniker for this couple? Johnifer? Jenn? Hmm... It just doesn't work.
Ladies man John is already reportedly tiring of what he describes as a "summer fling" while Aniston is clinging on to the hope that it is a proper relationship.
He's left a trail of broken hearts in his wake including those of Cameron Diaz, Jessica Simpson and Jessica Love Hewitt. Will Jen's be next?