Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Justin Bieber Short Biography 2011

Birth Name: Justin Drew Bieber
Birth Date: March 01, 1994
Birth Place: London, Ontario, Canada
Father: Jeremy Bieber
Height:  5' 7"
Nationality: Canadian

Justin cam out of his mommy's belly on March 1,1994 at 12:56am. He lived in Stratford,Ontario,Canada(where he spent most of his childhood).He attended Avon Public School,BedFord Public School,and Downie Central Public School,but ended up dropping out to be home schooled.Justin grew up as an only child and without his birth father Jeremy.His mom,Pattie,Used to help him out on his youtube account,Kidrauhl.But now his manadment is in charge for the channel.He's not a normal singer seeking for money n fame he has a lot of other talents in musical,sportive and others.He taught his self to play the guitar[which was the same size as him),He also taught his self to play the trumpet keyboard/piano.He started drumming at age 2 but didn't really learn till he was 4.Other then being a great musician he also has made videos demonstrating his soccer,hockey,basketball,and golf skills.And he also likes skateboarding.Justin got Discovered on Youtube by Scooter Braun,who contacted his family.He flew Justin to Atlanta,where he performed "U got it bad" by Usher.Usher wanted to sign him right then and there,but Justin also had a meeting with Justin Timberlake.But in the end Justin got signed with Def Jam."It turned out Usher's Deal was way better,"he says.On July 8,at age 14 Justin Moved to Brookhaven,Atlanta,Georgia,USA that way he could start his singing career.

 Justin Bieber
 Justin Bieber
 Justin Bieber
 Justin Bieber
 Justin Bieber
 Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber