Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Jennifer Aniston Quit Smoking and Gained Weight

knows you’re looking at her belly. No matter what the 42-year-old actress is doing in her personal life, some tabloid takes it as evidence that she might be knocked up. Aniston admits that the perpetual bump watch used to get to her. But finally, she tells InStyle, she’s realized it’s not worth her time.
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“I quit smoking a few months ago and I put on a couple of pounds,” says the famously fit actress. “Normally I’d be like, ‘Oh my god, I gained weight! Everyone is going to think I’m pregnant!’ Not anymore. Now, I just don’t care.”
Aniston may be able to shrug off the pregnancy rumors, but there’s something else she’s not taking so lightly: the sun damage that’s beginning to show on her skin.
“I’ve started getting those little sun spots,” Aniston admits to InStyle. “Things are beginning to pop out. Even the texture (of my skin) is changing. So I’ve recently started zapping the spots and getting spray tans whenever I can. And I’ve graduated to using SPF 60 sunblock when I’m on the beach.”
One way she doesn’t plan to fight aging, however, is through Botox. Aniston says she thoroughly believes that “all that cosmetic stuff looks ridiculous on me.”
“People think that I do a lot of injections, but I don’t,” she says. “I’m not saying that I haven’t tried it… but I see how it’s a slippery slope.”
Even for the “Hottest Woman Ever”? Yes, says Aniston — because it took years for her to come to terms with the way she looks.
“I was a dumpy teenager. My mom was a model and was all about looks, so I rebelled by going goth,” she reveals. “It took me years of peeling back the onion to finally stop using makeup as a mask and feel comfortable in my skin.”