Wednesday, October 5, 2011


As with most things in life, people always force their own opinions to be different so they can feel good about themselves. Titanic is another example. This is a great movie. It's not boring, and the storyline might be cliché but it's still beautiful and really sad, and almost got me crying. The only movie that made me cry was Bambi, when I was 4 years old.

Apparently, people are only allowed to like the second part of this movie, when everyone is dying. And even though that part is in my opinion one of the best moments in the history of movies, the first part is also really good, a gorgeous tale about a romance that couldn't be. It might not add up to the historical facts, but that doesn't matter. If you want to see what really happened, then go watch some documentary about it on the Discovery channel. This is not a historical movie, and the director is allowed to let things happen differently than they really could have happened.

This movie is an 8 at least, and one of the best movies of all time. It's not in the IMDB top 250, which is quite sad. It has great acting, great effects, and is really enjoyable to watch. Unfortunately, people love to comment negatively about something good, because they are unable to think for themselves and have a need to be accepted in their 'clique'. I love this movie, and am not afraid to admit it. 10/10