Thursday, March 8, 2012

Jennifer Aniston: Vogue went ‘tabloid’ by focusing on ‘uncool’ comment

Jennifer Aniston is featured on the cover of Entertainment Weekly in a cute seated pose twirling her trademark hair. In the accompanying interview, she’s asked a few questions about the recent tabloid and interview hype and she answers them honestly without going overboard. Aniston calls Vogue’s focus on her now famous “uncool” comment about Angelina Jolie “tabloid,” but she doesn’t sound broken up over it or anything. She also calls the pregnancy rumors “hysterical”:
On her Vogue quote (“What Angelina did was very uncool”) being taken out of context : “I was just surprised that Vogue would go so tabloid. I was bummed. But you almost expect it. Big deal. Done. Next.”
On the rumors that she’s carrying boyfriend John Mayer’s baby: “Oh my God, it’s hysterical . It’s almost going to take away the fun from actually being able to say one day, ‘I’m pregnant!’”
On motherhood being in her future: “I’m on the verge of it in some way–or it’s something I long for.”
[From Entertainment Weekly via Huffington Post]
Doesn’t it sound like she’s making hints that she’s either pregnant or is trying now? She says “I’m on the verge of [motherhood] in some way.” It’s just a strange way of phrasing it, and she also talks about making a pregnancy announcement as if it’s inevitable. The tabloids are going to be all over those phrases and will be twisting them and building stories around them. Aniston knows this, and she’s probably having fun with it. She seems to be back on top in both the public’s estimation of her and in her professional and personal life. She’ll tell you how she feels, but she’s not dwelling on it like everyone else.