Friday, March 2, 2012

The Jennifer Aniston Workout

What woman hasn't at some point in her life fantasized about having the sleek and sexy body that Jennifer Aniston boasts at every award show and every movie she is in? But how does a woman who is in her mid-forties maintain such a gorgeous and shapely body? Well the following article will describe to you just what Jennifer Aniston workout consists of and what steps you can take in order to achieve the wonderful body of one of the sexiest celebrities alive today.
While it may seem simple the main component of the Jennifer Aniston workout is yoga poses that are supplemented with calisthenics. Each time she performs a yoga pose, she holds them for a period of time, generally between 30-60 seconds or 5-10 deep breaths, and then performs 8-10 reps of callisthenic poses such as the plank, which forces your abdominal muscles to contract and tires them out quickly while strengthening them. She does this type of workout about three times a week and allows her body to rest in between.

While yoga is a wonderful workout that not only lengthens and tones your muscle groups all over your body, it isn't enough to achieve the body of Jennifer Aniston. So on top of performing the yoga and callisthenics three times a week, she includes a 22 minute training session that is high intensity to push her body to its limit. By including this high intensity workout it pushes her body to burn any fat it may have and this is only increased by the fact that she does one minute of high intensity cardio, and then allows for a two minute recovery by doing a medium intensity workout (such as a mild 2 minute session on an elliptical machine). By doing these intervals quickly and switching them up allows her body to continue to burn fat off even hours after she has completed her training and continually challenges her body throughout the day.
But, even when Jennifer Aniston doesn't want to follow the Jennifer Aniston workout to a perfect t and doesn't feel up to performing the 22 minute high intensity cardio training, she will substitute a moderate 15 minute jog in its place. This way she is still getting her cardio in, but maintains it at a constant pace instead of challenging her body by doing rotations between high intensity to moderate intensity cardio workouts.
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