Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Bra Without Cup can Prevent Chest Wrinkles on Women

Bra Without Cup can Prevent Chest Wrinkles on Womenprofesional advice says : Bra Without Cup can Prevent Chest Wrinkles on Women
Amsterdam, While sleeping, women are advised not to use a bra for smooth circulation of blood around his chest. But a Dutch woman created a special bra to sleep can prevent the appearance of wrinkles on parts of the chest or breast.
The woman is Racher de Boer is finally open secret for years that she slept use dikreasikan own bra to prevent wrinkles around the chest and breast and neck lines smoothed out.
Three years later, the bra is made professionally and sold in nearly 150 clothing stores in the Netherlands and Belgium. This bra also has been approved by a research institute and get the retail sales in Germany, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Britain and France.

"I started this as one of the secrets, I do not want to talk about wrinkles or a bra the first time I've made because of bad," said de Boer, as quoted by Reuters on Monday (4/18/2011).

He said he designed a bra already using his own for 7 years until finally her friends know about it and have problems with wrinkles in her cleavage. It was de Boer does it again and now known by the name 'Le Decollette'.
Le Decollette is without cup bra that can keep the breast still on the 'tempat'nya at night so as to prevent an emphasis on one breast that can trigger the vertical wrinkles.

"If you sleep on your back then the problem will not arise, but if you sleep sideways then this problem can arise. Le Decollette works by separating the breast all night to prevent wrinkles," he said.

Decollette le design de Boer is sold at a price of 50 euros or $ 72 (USD 660,000) and only one type of measure alone, this bra also has obtained approval from the French research institute CERCO (Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Cosmetologique).
CERCO doing research on women aged 35-60 years and suggested that women who use this bra have wrinkles in the chest that fell significantly after 24 hours.

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